The Outside of the Church of the Visitation, Taynuilt The Outside of the Church of the Visitation, Taynuilt

The Church of the Visitation


Welcome to the Catholic Church of the Visitation, Taynuilt.

Sunday Mass Time: Sunday 4pm

Confession: before Mass and on request

The church of the visitation is located in the village of Taynuilt in Argyll.

We are a small but vibrant parish and you are welcome to join us in the celebration of mass and for private prayer.

Mass Times

Sunday 12 January 4:00pm The Baptism of the Lord
Wednesday 15 January 10:30am Week 1 in Ordinary Time
Sunday 19 January 4:00pm 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish News

He who is mightier than I is coming, said John. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Led by the Spirit Collated Report and Bishop’s Response

With Phase 3 of our consultation complete Bishop Brian's response is now ready to be studied and prayerfully reflected upon.

In it, he outlines an action plan consisting of 4 strategies, aimed at addressing the issues that arose during the diocesan consultation. Though there are 4 strategies, they are complementary in nature and seek not to 'manage decline' but rather, and much more positively, strive towards renewal in the Lord, which by it's very nature is always open-ended and always open to going in the direction the Spirit leads us in.

The proposed Action Plan is a draft and requires development and fine-tuning, for which Bishop Brian asks our help. To this end the whole diocese is invited to attend an online open meeting via Zoom on February 19th at 6.30 pm. Please try to attend and please register for the meeting by clicking this link.

Read the Draft Action Plan here, or if you prefer click here to download it.


A warm welcome to all our visitors to The Church of the Visitation. We are glad you worship with us, may almighty God bless you. Please, join us after Mass on Wednesdays for Tea/Coffee. Our gratitude goes to our parishioners who made this possible, God bless you!

The Rag Bag Donations

The new Rag Bag bin is ready to receive further donations of clothes, shoes and handbags. There is a box in the porch where items can be left. They must be in a securely tied plastic bag and of good quality and clean. Only the following are accepted Men’s, Ladies, Children’s clothing, belts, bags and paired shoes (tied together).


Standing Orders £490, Offertory £35, Holy Childhood £45, Justice and Peace £57.


This week's newsletter can be viewed here.


If you wish to make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.
We bank with the Coop Bank and our details are:
Sort Code – 83 91 25
Account number - 65628113.

Alternatively click here to make a donation.


Making a Commitment

Making a commitment is the most important part of any great task that we undertake. But it’s not the only thing. We need to acquire education and knowledge. We need to practice and develop our skills. The highly challenging task of being a mother or a father draws up from deep within us everything we have. We don’t enter parenthood with an Operators Manual given us when a child is born. We get an Operators Manual when we buy a VCR but we certainly don’t get one with the birth of a child. And getting married and having a family is an adventure in which we are trained on the job. We can never adequately know ahead of time all what we’ll need to know in order to be good husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. Certainly in the seminary I didn’t receive all that I needed in order to develop into being a reasonably decent priest. I’ve had to learn that while on the job (something that many people had to suffer!).

But in spite of all that we may have or not have, the one thing that is absolutely essential is commitment. Nothing at all of lasting value happens without commitment. It may not be everything that’s needed, but it is the key element. Nothing else will work without it. And there’s nothing easy about commitment. The culture that surrounds us sends us many messages that work against the keeping of our commitments. I’m not saying that all movies and all TV shows are bad. There are really good movies about commitment and keeping one’s promises. But clearly our surrounding culture promotes self-interest, not self-sacrifice.

Fr. Charles E. Irvin