The Outside of the Church of the Visitation, Taynuilt The Outside of the Church of the Visitation, Taynuilt

The Church of the Visitation


Welcome to the Catholic Church of the Visitation, Taynuilt.

Sunday Mass Time: Sunday 4pm

Confession: before Mass and on request

The church of the visitation is located in the village of Taynuilt in Argyll.

We are a small but vibrant parish and you are welcome to join us in the celebration of mass and for private prayer.

Mass Times

Sunday 7 July 4:00pm 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wednesday 10 July 10:30am Week 14 in Ordinary Time
Sunday 14 July 4:00pm 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish News

The Word was made flesh and lived among us: to all who did accept him he gave power to become children of God.


A warm welcome to all our visitors to The Church of the Visitation. We are glad you worship with us, may almighty God bless you. Please, join us after Mass on Wednesdays for Tea/Coffee. Our gratitude goes to our parishioners who made this possible, God bless you!

Peter’s Pence

Today we make the annual Peter’s Pence Collection for apostolic and charitable ministry of the Holy Father. For more information and donation vist the website here.

Led By the Spirit

Phase 3 Resources and other materials to help us prepare for our parish meetings are available on the website,, visit it, take time to read and digest all the material to be found there, and most importantly pray for the grace to recognise you are called to holiness, asking to be open to whatever is required to answer this call.

Sea Sunday

Today the church prays for all those who live and work at sea. There are envelopes on the back of the church if you would like to donate to Stella Maris, you can also visit their website to donate

Visitation stall on Games Day

There is a volunteer sheet at the back of the church for the help needed for the Visitation stall on Games Day 20th July. Donations of baking, jams, chutney and produce are welcome as well as stall helpers.

There will be a meeting about the Visitations stall at the Highland Games at 3pm on Sunday 14th July all help gratefully received!


Standing Orders £45, Offertory £78, Building Fund £12, Mission Appeal £111


This week's newsletter can be viewed here.


If you wish to make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.
We bank with the Coop Bank and our details are:
Sort Code – 83 91 25
Account number - 65628113.


Hurt in Nazareth

Rejection by Loved Ones: The story of Jesus’ rejection in Nazareth illustrates the painful reality that sometimes the people closest to us do not understand or support us. This rejection can deeply affect our self-worth and emotional well- being.

Jesus’ Response to Rejection: Instead of dwelling on the hurt of rejection, Jesus continued to spread his message and love to those who would listen. This example shows us how to handle rejection constructively, by focusing on our calling and purpose rather than letting others dictate our self-worth.

Finding Support Elsewhere: When we face rejection from loved ones, it is essential to seek support and acceptance from others who value our gifts and love. By doing so, we can maintain a positive self-image and continue to share our gifts with the world.

Fr. George Smiga