The Outside of the Church of the Visitation, Taynuilt The Outside of the Church of the Visitation, Taynuilt

The Church of the Visitation


Welcome to the Catholic Church of the Visitation, Taynuilt.

Sunday Mass Time: Sunday 4pm

Confession: before Mass and on request

The church of the visitation is located in the village of Taynuilt in Argyll.

We are a small but vibrant parish and you are welcome to join us in the celebration of mass and for private prayer.

Mass Times

Sunday 25 August 4:00pm 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wednesday 28 August 10:30am Week 21 in Ordinary Time
Sunday 1 September 4:00pm 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish News

Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life; you have the message of eternal life.


A warm welcome to all our visitors to The Church of the Visitation. We are glad you worship with us, may almighty God bless you. Please, join us after Mass on Wednesdays for Tea/Coffee. Our gratitude goes to our parishioners who made this possible, God bless you!

Last week's collection

Thank you so much for the Second collection last Sunday for our sick and retired priests we raised £111.00.

St Margaret's Parish Garden

This Saturday 31st of August, Bishop Brian will be blessing St Margaret’s Parish Garden: Marian Grotto, Station of the Cross, and the fountain (Jesus, the Water of Life). It would be a great delight for us to welcome parishioners of the Visitation Parish to this event. Bishop will celebrate Mass at 10:30 am in honour of our Blessed Virgin Mary and Blessing and dedication at 11 am. There will be refreshments (BBQ) afterwards.

Led By the Spirit

Phase 3 Resources and other materials to help us prepare for our parish meetings are available on the website,, visit it, take time to read and digest all the material to be found there, and most importantly pray for the grace to recognise you are called to holiness, asking to be open to whatever is required to answer this call.

Season of Creation Conference 2024

The Care of Creation Office of the Bishops’ Conference has organised a National Conference for this year’s Season of Creation which runs from 1st September – 4th October 2024. The Conference will take place on Saturday 7th September 2024, from 10am – 3pm in St. Margaret’s Parish Hall, Raploch, Stirling. The guest speaker is Ben Wilson, Director of Public Engagement for SCIAF. If interested in attending, please complete a booking form here and more details about this free day will follow.


Standing Orders £160, Offertory £49.32, Building Fund £10, Sick and Retired priests £111


This week's newsletter can be viewed here.


If you wish to make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.
We bank with the Coop Bank and our details are:
Sort Code – 83 91 25
Account number - 65628113.


Do we stand for God?

A group of Christians gathered for a secret prayer meeting in Russia, at the height of the persecution of all Christian churches. Suddenly the door was broken by the boot of a soldier. He entered the room and faced the people with a gun in his hand. They all feared the worst. He spoke. “If there’s anyone who doesn’t really believe in Jesus, then, get out now while you have a chance.” There was a rush to the door. A small group remained – those who had committed themselves to Jesus, and who were prepared never to run from Him. The soldier closed the door after the others, and once again, he stood in front of those who remained, gun poised. Finally, a smile appeared on his face, as he turned to leave the room, and he whispered, “Actually, I believe in Jesus, too, and you’re much better off without those others!”

Jack McArdle in And That’s the Gospel Truth: Reflections on the Sunday Gospels Year B (December 1999).